The 25 Best Guitar Amps For Jazz in 2024

Getting a perfect amplifier for jazz is far from easy. You will need to have a specific tone and enough options to customize the sound, and it can be quite expensive. But it is not impossible. Especially if you know what to look for. 

Naturally, every guitarist is different, and you might have your own preferences. These are some of the best options you can find today, and you will be able to find something in your price range, regardless of what it is. 

Of course, the more you are willing to spend, the better the amplifier will be. And high-end amps will work on almost every genre. 

Marshall DSL40CR

  • Black
  • Tube
  • 2 channels: classic gain and ultra gain
  • 40 W
  • 12-inch Celestion G12 Vintage
  • Independent volume and gain
  • 4 x ECC83 and 2 x EL34
  • Full EQ

Marshall is one of the biggest names in the world of guitar amps, and it is always a good choice. Especially when you can find a model as affordable as the DSL40CR. There is a limited edition amp, and it is a tube model, but you can go for the non-limited one as well. 

There are four ECC83 valves in the preamp and two EL34 in the power amp sections, and it can be an excellent option for jazz. While there are two channels, you don’t need to use them unless you want even more gain. 

The first channel will be more than enough, and there are plenty of controls to further shape the sound. 

Supro Amulet 1×10

  • Tube
  • One channel
  • 1/5/15 W
  • 10-inch Celestion Creamback
  • Volume, treble, bass, reverb, speed, depth, master, wattage
  • 3x 12AX7 and 1x 12AT7 in preamp and 1x 6L6 in power
  • Reverb and tremolo

Supro is an excellent brand, and the quality of this amp is more than impressive. Which also explains the price. This is also a great amplifier you can use at home, and there is an option to choose between 1, 5, and 15 watts. 

The 1-watt option is great for playing at home, while more power will allow you to perform on a stage. The amp also has reverb and tremolo, 2-band EQ, and others. There are also four tubes in the preamp and one in the power section. 

Vox AC10C1 Custom

  • Tube
  • One channel
  • 10 W
  • 10-inch Celestion VX10 
  • Gain, bass, treble, and volume
  • 2x 12AX7 in preamp and 2x EL84 in power
  • Reverb

Vox is a classic brand, and it offers so many incredible models. But if you want a clear sound that’s perfect for jazz, the best option is to go for tube amps. Fortunately, Vox offers just that. The AC10C1 model is a custom series, it has two 12AX7 tubes in the preamp section, and two EL84 in the power section.

The amp has 10 watts of power, as well as a Celestion speaker. You will also get a two-band EQ, reverb, and gain knob. The amplifier is great for home practice, but you can also use it for smaller gigs. 

Cornell Romany 12

  • Tube
  • One channel
  • 0.05/0.25/1.5/10 W
  • 12-inch Jensen 
  • Volume, Treble, Middle, and Bass 
  • 2x ECC83 and 1x ECC81 in preamp and 1x 6L6GT in power
  • Reverb

If you are interested in something a bit different, Cornell might be just the thing you need. The amp is based on the traditional tweed design, and it looks great. What is even more important is the sound. There are three valves in the preamp and one in the power section, and you can choose the output power. 

This time, you can select between 0.05, 0.25, 1.5, and 10 watts. The amp has reverb, and it offers a push/pull volume if you want to use the EQ bypass. Finally, the amp is handmade in the UK, and the quality is exceptional. 

Bugera V22 Infinium

Bugera V22 INFINIUM 22-Watt Vintage 2-Channel Tube Combo with INFINIUM...
  • Hand-built 22-Watt guitar combo driven by 2 x EL84 Tubes
  • Revolutionary INFINIUM Tube Life Multiplier technology:
  • Way cool vintage look and feel
  • World-famous, British engineered 12'' TURBOSOUND speaker
  • Tube
  • Two channels (normal and bright)
  • 22 W
  • 12-inch Turbosound speaker 
  • Clean, gain, volume, master, and presence
  • 3-band EQ 
  • 3x 12AX7 in preamp and 2x EL84 in power
  • Reverb

Getting a Bugera amp is always a good idea. The brand is known for its quality and versatility, and you will love playing jazz on this one. One of the main advantages beginner players will notice is that the price is surprisingly low. It’s equipped with two channels, normal and bright.

You can also use the three-band EQ to shape the sound, and it has a reverb. All things considered, Bugera V22 Infinium is an excellent option, and it can help you with both practice and live performances. 

Blackstar St. James 50 EL34 Fawn

  • Tube
  • Two channels
  • 50 W
  • 12-inch Celestion Zephyr 
  • Master, volume II, gain II, and volume II
  • 3-band EQ 
  • 2x ECC84 in preamp and 2x EL34 in power
  • Reverb

Many people consider Blackstar to be a heavy metal brand, and that it only offers amplifiers with a lot of gain. But this is not the case. There are plenty of models you can check out that are versatile, and suitable for other genres. A perfect example is St. James. 

It has a twelve-inch Celestion speaker, 3-band EQ, and reverb. You can also choose between two channels, and there are separate volume and gain controls. All things considered, St. James is a powerful amplifier, and it’s worth checking out. 

Marshall 1962 Bluesbreaker

  • Tube
  • Two channels (top boost and normal)
  • 30 W
  • 2x 12-inch Greenback Celestion speakers 
  • Speed, intensity, presence, volume I, and volume II
  • 3-band EQ 
  • Tremolo

Marshall Bluesbreaker is a classic amp, and this is a reissue of the famous model from 1962. It has 30 watts of power, separate volume knobs for each channel, and the quality is incredible. What makes this amp different from the majority of amplifiers on the list is that it has two Celestion speakers. 

And this will do wonders for the quality of the sound. The Bluesbreaker is versatile, and it is perfect for nearly any genre. As for the name, it is inspired by the combination Eric Clapton used in the sixties while he was playing with John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers. 

Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue

Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue 40-Watt 1x12-Inch Guitar Combo Amp -...
  • 40 watts of legendary Fender tone.
  • Fantastic clean and overdriven tones plus lusciously Fender spring reverb.
  • 1X 12" Eminence special-design speaker offers enhanced midrange that fills...
  • Tube
  • Two channels
  • 40 W
  • 12-inch Eminence  
  • Presence, master, drive, and volume
  • 3-band EQ 
  • Reverb

Blues Deluxe Reissue by Fender is one of the best amps you can find today. It has the famous tweed design, and 40 watts of tube power. Many players will agree that a good clean sound is a perfect ground for pedals and effects. And if you agree, you will have a hard time finding a better amp than Fender. 

Especially if you are using Fender guitars. The amplifier is a full tube model, it has real spring reverb, and you can play it wherever you like. It is a great option for live performances since it’s quite powerful. 

Fender 68 Custom Twin Reverb

Fender 68 Custom Twin Reverb Guitar Amplifier
  • The addition of reverb and tremolo to both channels give this amplifier a...
  • The Bassman tone stack on the "custom" channel gives modern players greater...
  • A more distinctively rock 'n' roll flavor is delivered by a pair of 12"...
  • Fitted amplifier cover and 2-button footswitch included
  • Tube
  • Two channels (custom and vintage)
  • 85 W
  • 2x 12-inch Celestion G12V-70 speaker  
  • Custom CH volume, bright switch, vintage CH volume, speed, intensity, and bright switch
  • 4x 12AX7, 2x 12AT7, and 4x 6L6
  • 3-band EQ 
  • Reverb and vibrato

Another great classic is Twin Reverb. The model here is a 1968 reissue, and it is famously known as Silverface thanks to its design. The amp has two twelve-inch Celestion speakers, and enough controls to shape the sound as you please, and it is one of the best amplifiers you can find. 

Twin Reverb can help you regardless of whether you are playing at home or live, and the sound is incredible. It also has two channels you can use, it supports footswitches, and you can also tilt it back thanks to the built-in legs. 

Vox AC30 C2

Vox AC30C2 2x12inch 30-watt Guitar Tube Combo Amplifier w/ 2 Channels,...
  • 30-watt tube amplifier with classic VOX Top Boost tone circuit for rich,...
  • Equipped with EL84 power tubes and 12AX7 preamp tubes for authentic tube...
  • Features two 12" Celestion Greenback speakers for powerful, clear sound...
  • Two channels: Normal and Top Boost, each with independent volume controls...
  • Tube
  • One channel 
  • 30 W
  • 2x 12-inch Celestion  
  • Volume, top boost volume, level, tremolo speed & depth, tone cut, master volume
  • 3x 12AX7 (ECC83) in preamp and 4x EL84 in power
  • 2-band EQ 
  • Reverb 

Vox AC30 is a 30-watt amp, with plenty of different ways to shape the sound. It is a full tube amplifier, and it has two twelve-inch Celestion speakers. As you can probably guess, the amp is a bit bigger than standard combos, but it is highly versatile. 

It also has built-in reverb, additional inputs and outputs, and a socket for footswitches. The design of the amp is in line with other Vox models, and it’s easy to use. Even though there are plenty of knobs, the model is still simple.

Roland JC-120

Roland JC-120 Jazz Chorus 120-Watt Guitar Amplifier with Two 12-Inch...
  • Legendary flagship of the Roland Jazz Chorus series since 1975
  • Historic “JC clean” tone and signature Dimensional Space Chorus effect
  • Powerful 120-watt stereo amp with two 12-inch “silver cone” speakers
  • Two input channels (Normal and Effect), each with three-band EQ and bright...
  • Solid state
  • Two channels
  • 2×60 W
  • 2x 12-inch  
  • Volume and EQ for the first channel, volume, EQ, and distortion for the second channel, and vibrato/chorus
  • 3-band EQ 
  • Reverb

If you don’t want to get a tube amplifier, there are plenty of great options for solid-state models. And one of many examples is the Roland JC-120. It is a 120-watt model with two twelve-inch speakers. 

You will also get two channels with separate volume and EQ controls, and the second channel has gain and reverb. Finally, you can use the last three knobs to adjust the vibrato or chorus, and the quality of the amp is great. 

Rivera Jazz Suprema Recording

  • Tube
  • One channel
  • 25/12 W
  • 12-inch Celestion G12T-75
  • Volume, master, focus, and presence
  • 3x 12AX7 in preamp, and 2x 6V6 in power
  • 3-band EQ 
  • Reverb

Rivera Jazz Suprema Recording is something a bit different. It is a jazz amp, and it has three tubes in the preamp section with two in the power section. The amp uses a real spring reverb, it has a twelve-inch Celestion speaker, and you can choose between 12 and 25 watts of power. 

Another great thing about the Rivera amp is its design, and it looks vintage. It is a nice change of approach, while still having an excellent amp worth checking out. Of course, the only issue some players might have is the price. And it is not budget-friendly. 

Peavey Classic 50 410

  • Tube
  • Two channels (lead and normal)
  • 50 W
  • 4x 10-inch
  • Normal, pre, post, volume, and presence
  • 3x 12AX7 in preamp, and 2x 6V6 in power
  • 3-band EQ 
  • Reverb

Peavey Classic 50 is another great amplifier worth checking out. If you are interested in a different sound, especially if you want more than one speaker, this might be it. The model has four ten-inch speakers, which will make a world of difference in the sound. 

It is also a tube amp with three 12AX7 tubes in the preamp, and two 6V6 in the power sections. There are different controls you can use, such as a three-band EQ, reverb, and so much more. The amp is versatile, and it will work great for jazz. 

Friedman Pink Taco V2 Combo

  • Tube
  • Two channels 
  • 40 W
  • 12-inch Celestion Creamback
  • Master and gain knobs
  • 3x 12AX7 in preamp, and 2x EL84 in power
  • 3-band EQ 
  • Additional switches 

Friedman is another option worth your time. This is a professional amp, and it has two channels. The power of the Pink Taco is 40 watts, it has a single Celestion twelve-inch speaker, and the design is quite simplistic. 

This is perfect for those that want to easily adjust the sound and use pedals. There are three-band EQ, master, and gain knobs. The amp also has a transparent effects loop, and additional switches to shape the sound. 

Roland Blues Cube Stage

Roland Blues Cube Stage - 60W 1x12" Guitar Combo Amp - Blonde
  • PowerMaximum wattage: 51W75W; 60WTube or solid state: Solid stateType:...
  • Tube
  • Two channels 
  • 60 W
  • 12-inch 
  • Volume for clean, gain and volume for crunch, and master
  • 3-band EQ 
  • Reverb

Roland also offers more expensive amps with valves such as Blues Cube. It has a power control with four levels, allowing you to choose between 0.5, 15, 45, and 60 watts. The amp has a beautiful tweed design inspired by vintage amplifiers, and it’s easy to use. 

It is a nice combination of vintage and modern, and you will get plenty of controls and settings to play with. There is a single twelve-inch speaker, and the sound is quite good. Of course, thanks to the power control, you will be able to play it anywhere. 

Boss Katana MKII

Boss Katana-50 MkII 1 x 12-inch 50-watt Combo Amp
  • 50/25/0.5W 1x12" Guitar Combo Amplifier with 5 Amp Voicings
  • Cab-emulated Headphone/Recd Output
  • 4 Tone Slots
  • 60 Effects
  • Solid state
  • Two channels 
  • 50 W
  • 12-inch 
  • 5 amp types
  • Amp selector, gain, volume, booster/mod, fx/delay, and master
  • 3-band EQ 
  • Reverb

Boss Katana is among the most popular solid-state amps, and it is more than versatile. The amp offers five different types you can use. You can choose between clean, crunch, lead, brown, and acoustic. It also has five independent effects. 

These effects are a booster, mod, fx, delay, and reverb. It is possible to use up to three of these effects at the same time. Boss Katana also has a USB connection, supports multiple footswitches, and so much more. 

DV Mark Little Jazz

  • Solid state
  • One channel 
  • 50 W
  • 8-inch 
  • Master and high
  • 2-band EQ 
  • Reverb

DV Mark Little Jazz is a simple amp that still packs a punch. It has an eight-inch speaker designed by DV Mark, and there are enough controls to allow further customization. The amp has five knobs to adjust bass, master, mid, reverb, and high. 

And it sounds quite good for its size. While the quality won’t be as good as with twelve-inch speakers, you will be surprised when you hear what Little Jazz has to offer. Additionally, you can use the external output if you want to plug in another speaker. 

Peavey Delta Blues 210

Peavey Delta Blues 210 guitar Amplifier with Tremolo
  • Classic Delta Blues 210 Tube Am
  • Package Dimensions: 64.77 H x 62.484 L x 36.068 W (centimeters)
  • Package Weight: 54.25 pounds
  • Country of Origin : China
  • Tube
  • Two channels
  • 30 W
  • 2×10-inch 
  • Normal, pre, post, tremolo
  • 3-band EQ 
  • Reverb and tremolo

Peavey Delta Blues is an all-tube amp with two ten-inch speakers. This will allow you to create a rich and powerful tone. Since it is an all-tube amp, it will work great with pedals if you plan on using them. 

The amp also has great customization, and you can easily adjust the sound to your liking. As for the design, it has a classic tweed cover, and it looks great. Another great thing is that the amp has a real spring reverb, and a customizable tremolo you can use. 

Supro Keeley Custom 10 V2

  • Tube
  • One channel
  • 25 W
  • 10-inch Celestion Creamback
  • Volume and master
  • 2x ECC83S in preamp, and 2x 6V6GT in power
  • 2-band EQ 
  • Effects loop

Supro Keeley Custom 10 V2 is a powerful amp that can be used for home practice and smaller gigs. Thanks to the ten-inch Celestion Creamback, the sound will be incredible. And even though there aren’t many options for shaping the sound, there is an effects loop. 

The amp works great with pedals, and it’s easy to use. Sometimes, having too many options can be overwhelming, and this is perfect if you already have a pedalboard. The design of the amp is quite nice thanks to the Blue Rhino Hide color. 

Mesa/Boogie Lone Star

Mesa/Boogie Lone Star Special 1x12" 30-Watt Tube Combo - Coca...
  • Pure Class A, Multi-Watt Channel Assignable Power Amp (Patent 7,602,927)...
  • 2 Fully Independent Channels each with Gain, Treble, Mid, Bass, Presence,...
  • All-Tube, Long Spring Reverb with Bright/Warm Reverb Tone Switch
  • Fully Buffered FX Loop with Send Level Control (over all channels when...
  • Tube
  • Two channels
  • 30 W
  • 12-inch Black Shadow
  • Gain, presence, and master
  • 3-band EQ 
  • Reverb

Mesa/Boogie amps have a great reputation. For many guitarists, it is the best option you can find on the market, and this model is incredible. There are two channels and an individual set of controls for each of them. 

This means that you will get two volumes, two reverbs, two trebles, basses, middles, and so on. And it is incredible. The design of the amp is simplistic and vintage-looking, and it might seem too complex at the first glance. But having so many options can only improve your sound. 

Yamaha THR10

Yamaha THR Wired Desktop 15 Guitar Amps and 8 Effects,...
  • 20-watt 1-channel 2x3" Stereo Guitar Combo Amplifier with Amplifier Models
  • USB Connectivity
  • Bluetooth
  • Effects
  • Solid state
  • One channel
  • 20 W
  • 2x 3-inch speakers
  • Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo, Echo; THR Remote: Compressor, Noise Gate
  • 3-band EQ 
  • Amp models
  • Reverb

Yamaha THR10 is a powerful amp that is more than versatile. The first thing you will notice is that you can choose between five different amp models. This includes special, hi gain, lead, crunch, and clean. You will also get access to various effects, and there are two different reverbs. 

If you want to take things even further, you can download the app on your smartphone, and you will get access to even more effects and options. You can choose to connect the amp via USB or Bluetooth. 

ZT Amplifiers Lunchbox Junior

ZT Amplifiers Lunchbox Junior 35-watt Class D Guitar Amplifier with...
  • Portable power with a 12V power option so you can take the Junior anywhere;...
  • Custom designed ultra-power 5" speaker; weighs just 5 pounds
  • 9V output to power effects pedals (requires ZT Pedal Power Cable, sold...
  • Headphone out (1/8") and Aux in (1/8"); Switchable 115V/230V
  • Solid state
  • One channel
  • 35 W
  • 5-inch speaker
  • Volume, tone, gain

Lunchbox Junior is a simple-looking amplifier that’s great for home practice. Especially if you are not able to play something more powerful. It’s easy to use, and the controls are quite simple. There are three knobs on it to adjust volume, tone, and gain.

But what makes it so unique is that this is more than your standard “pocket” amp. The sound is surprisingly good. Even though there is a single five-inch speaker, it is still versatile and different. And you can use it with pedals. 

Orange Crush 35RT

Orange Crush 35 2 Channel Reverb Cab Sim 35 Watts, Black
  • Footswitchable channels and an analogue signal path
  • Cab Sim loaded headphone output
  • Transparent fully buffered effects loop
  • High gain, 4 stage preamp
  • Solid state
  • Two channels
  • 35 W
  • 10-inch speaker
  • Dirty, clean, and gain
  • 3-band EQ 
  • Tuner
  • Reverb

There are so many guitarists that love Orange. And if you are one of them, you should check out Orange Crush 35RT. It is a 35-watt amplifier with a couple of interesting features. Firstly, you will get the standard dirty knob you can find on many Orange amps, but it also has a reverb. 

And if you love having a versatile amp with a lot of effects, you will adore the tuner. Yes. This amplifier has a built-in tuner you can use, and it even has LEDs to allow you to use it in the dark.

Blackstar HT Club 40

Blackstar HT Venue Series Club 40 MKII 1x12 Combo 40w w/Celestion...
  • Features: Equipped with 2 channels and 4 modes, the Blackstar HT Club 40 is...
  • Powerful: The Blackstar HT Club 40 is powered by two EL34 power tubes and...
  • Unique Controls: The Clean and Overdrive Channels are foot-switchable. The...
  • Superior Performance: The single 12 Celestion speaker delivers the tone...
  • Tube
  • Two channels
  • 40 W
  • 12-inch Celestion Seventy 80
  • Volume, bass, treble for the clean channel, gain and volume for overdrive, master, and ISF
  • 3-band EQ 
  • 2x 12AX7 in preamp and 2x EL34 in power
  • Reverb

Blackstar HT Club 40 is a beauty. This model here is Blonde Edition, and it looks quite unique. As for the sound, the amp has a twelve-inch Celestion speaker and plenty of controls that will allow you to create nearly any sound. 

The amp has four voices, two channels, various knobs, and effects, and it is incredible. As with any other Blackstar amp, you will also get the ISF knob. But if you dislike the color, you can still find the same amp in other options. 

Tone King Imperial Mk II BR

Tone King Imperial Mk II 1x12" 20-watt Tube Combo Amp with Attenuator...
  • 20-watt 2-channel All-tube 1x12" Guitar Combo Amplifier with Power Attenuat
  • Tremolo - Black
  • Spring Reverb
  • Tube
  • Two channels
  • 20 W
  • 12-inch Custom
  • Volume, tone, and mid-bite for the lead channel, volume, treble, and bass for the rhythm channel, and reverb and tremolo controls
  • 2-band EQ 
  • Attenuator 
  • Reverb

Tone King Imperial MK II is a powerful amp. And the primary focus is on quality. You will be able to use two channels with separate controls, and a tube-driven spring reverb. The amp also has the attenuator potentiometer on the backside, allowing you to choose any value you want between 0 and 20 watts. 

The design of the amp is inspired by vintage models, and it looks amazing. It is also one of the rare amps that include the footswitch, and you will be able to use it for channels and tremolo. All things considered, Tone King Imperial is an excellent option. If you can afford it, at least. 


If you are looking for a great jazz amp, there are plenty of models you can find. A general rule is that you can always go for a blues amp since the sound is similar to something you’d use in jazz. Of course, there are also models designed for jazz specifically. 

In the end, it is up to you to pick the amp you will enjoy playing, and the only thing you will need to decide is how much you are willing to spend on it. Fortunately, you can find great models in almost any price range.

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Last update on 2025-03-09 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


I have been playing guitar since 2004. As long as I can remember I always had a huge passion for rock music and I extremely enjoy playing it. Helping people on their rock journey is what drives me to keep on playing. Read More About Me

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